Service in Song

Since its genesis with 6 ladies in 1978, the Esk Community Choir has been continuously welcoming a passing parade of members to its ranks. Founded by its present Musical Director, Alexis FitzGerald OAM, so engaging is participation in this Choir that many of its members join with ‘the locals’, travelling to weekly practices from as far afield as Brisbane, Lowood, Laidley, Gatton, Coominya, and Toowoomba. Now in its forty-seventh year of living its motto “Service in Song”, the Choir presently has an SATB membership numbering well over 40.
As we are a Community Choir, formal auditions are not imposed upon singers wishing to join, though a basic knowledge of music is advantageous. Membership does, however, guarantee fun, fellowship, very low-cost therapy and of course, SINGING – underscored by an ever-growing love for beautiful music. Choir rehearsals are held from 5.30pm to approx 8.00pm every Tuesday night at the Somerset Civic Centre, 35 Esk Hampton Road, Esk.
Alexis and her Choristers are quietly proud of their 46 years of achievements which have included many local concerts and charity performances. As far back as 1993, they staged their first full Musical Production, Oklahoma with many others to follow. They have entertained audiences with Theatre Restaurants, collaborations with many other Choirs, Orchestras and Ensembles, on two occasions, with International Choirs and Conductors at the Sydney Opera House and, since 2008, six European tours, the last, in 2019 to Italy. The most recent tour in August 2024 to Tasmania was touted a huge success with outstanding results achieved by ensembles and choir members at Launceston’s ‘Performance Challenge’. Further choral performances in and around Hobart completed an amazing Tasmanian tour including collaborations with local choirs.
Over the years, many choir members, under the private tutelage of Alexis, have taken it upon themselves to improve their knowledge and understanding of singing and performance skills by sitting for St Cecilia School of Music examinations, including ensemble examinations, many achieving exceptional results. Rehearsals have commenced for ‘Hallowed and Harmonious – Music Through the Ages’ just one more test of talent by the Esk Ladies Choir, to be performed on March 30th under the scrutiny of international examiner, Mr Matthews Tyson, again hoping to profit from his intuitive comments and extensive skills as a teacher, conductor, and music examiner.
Esk Community Choir, launched with gusto into 2024 with ‘Sundowner Soiree – Gounod Vs Gershwin’ a showcase of the beloved songs by these two composers, followed by a bevy of beautiful events including an Easter Cantata, ANZAC day performance, a fundraiser for the Esk Hospital Auxiliary, a pre-tour performance of the Tassie Tour Repertoire , a collaboration with ‘Eagles Nest Opera’ group, a fundraiser for St Mel’s Catholic Church, The Sweethearts of Song’s memorial day concert, performances at Homes for the Aged including Christmas Carols at Alkira, and of course, the legendary Annual Christmas Concert, the choir’s doorway to the Christmas season.
Keeping fans and followers abreast of the choir’s activities and ‘upcoming events’ for 2025 are the following go-to links https://www.eskcommunitychoir.com.au and
5.30pm Tuesday nights at the Somerset Civic Centre, Esk are the Choir’s rehearsal time and place where lovers of music are always welcomed and encouraged to come, look, listen, participate, perchance to become Choir members. To sing with this Choir is to understand the joys of Choral singing and a celebration of what Choral music can bring. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Phone Susie: 0432 058487